
Saturday, December 31, 2011

Perutusan Tahun Baru 2012 Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Mohd Najib Tun Razak

Ini adalah perutusan Tahun Baru 2012 oleh YAB Perdana Menteri Malaysia, Datuk Seri Mohd Najib Tun Razak yang dipetik dari blog rasmi beliau :

Alhamdullilah syukur ke hadrat Allah SWT kerana kita dapat menyaksikan tertutupnya tirai tahun 2011 dan menyinsingnya fajar baru 2012. Sesungguhnya 2011 merupakan tahun yang amat monumental kepada negara kerana ia telah menyaksikan lengkapnya “roll out” inisiatif dasar kerajaan di bawah payung Dasar Transformasi Nasional (2011-2020) dan dengan itu juga pengenalan siri keempat Rangka Rancangan Jangka Panjang Negara (RRJP) semenjak ia mula diperkenalkan pada tahun 1971. DTN merupakan komponen terakhir dalam usaha merealisasikan Wawasan Kebangsaan untuk menjadi sebuah negara maju berpendapatan tinggi menjelang tahun 2020.

DTN mempunyai permulaannya dengan pelancaran Program Transformasi Kerajaan (GTP) diikuti Program Transformasi Ekonomi (ETP) serta pelancaran Model Baru Ekonomi (NEM), Program Transformasi Politik (PTP) dan Program Transformasi Luar Bandar (RTP). Kesemua inisiatif dasar ini bukanlah sekadar pengumuman kosong mahupun tidak berpijak pada bumi yang nyata kerana jika dilaksanakan dengan betul dan mengikut jadual akan menyaksikan kemunculan sebuah Malaysia Baru. Sebuah negara yang bukan sahaja maju dari segi ekonomi dengan kemakmuran yang dikongsi setiap strata dan segmen rakyat tetapi juga sebuah watan dengan tradisi demokrasi serta perbezaan pendapat yang membina dan membugar.

Kerajaan tetap komited dengan program islah dan pembaharuan dalam semua bidang dan aspek kehidupan bernegara kerana inilah kehendak dan aspirasi rakyat yang mahukan kehidupan yang lebih baik untuk mereka dan anak-anak mereka. Inilah usaha demi Generasi masa depan Malaysia yang berhak membesar dalam suasana harapan bukannya kemuraman. Kita tidak akan tunduk kepada tekanan mana-mana pihak yang mahu menggagalkan matlamat mulia ini.

Di bawah PTP bagi mengimbangkan Keselamatan Kebangsaan dan Kebebasan Individu seperti yang terjamin dalam Perlembagaan Negara misalnya kita telah memansuhkan tiga proklamasi darurat yang berkuatkuasa semenjak lebih empat dekad yang lalu kerana kerajaan percaya kita tidak mampu membina sebuah Malaysia yang baru jika kita masih teperangkap dengan bebanan sejarah lampau. Dengan semangat yang sama kerajaan juga telah mengumumkan pemansuhan beberapa Akta yang berkaitan Keselamatan dan Ketenteraman Awam seperti Akta Keselamatan Dalam Negeri, Akta Kediaman Terhad, Akta Buang Negeri dan Seksyen 27 Akta Polis yang telah digantikan dengan Akta Perhimpunan Aman 2011 yang menjamin kebebasan individu untuk berhimpun secara aman seperti yang diperuntukkan undang-undang tertinggi negara Perlembagaan Persekutuan. Usaha ini akan diteruskan dalam sessi Parlimen seterusnya pada tahun 2012 bagi memansuhkan ISA dan membentang rang undang-undang baru yang akan menggantikannya serta meminda AUKU serta Akta Mesin Cetak dan Penerbitan.

Melalui bajet rakyat 2012 pula yang baru diluluskan Parlimen kerajaan hari ini juga telah meneruskan tradisi negara berkebajikan yang telah menjadi amalan kerajaan yang memerintah semenjak merdeka lagi. Kita tidak pernah melupakan nasib warga luar bandar mahupun warga bandar, golongan berpendapatan rendah mahupun kelas pertengahan serta mereka yang berpendapatan tinggi, kita akan sentiasa membela untung nasib seluruh rakyat Malaysia dan akan terus prihatin terhadap denyut nadi dan aspirasi mereka.

Marilah kita bersama-sama kerajaan dan rakyat merealisasikan masa depan yang lebih baik untuk bumi tercinta ini. Ia bukannya sebuah mimpi malahan ia dalam rangkulan kita jika kita sanggup merancang dengan teliti dan bekerja keras bagi mencapainya. Tidak ada yang mustahil jika kita mampu mengimpikannya, sesungguhnya hari-hari yang terbaik kita masih berada di hadapan kita bukannya sudah tinggal dalam lipatan sejarah. Selamat tahun Baru 2012, Dirgahayu Malaysia.

Happy New Year 2012, the inspiring story of Helen Keller, the most famous handicapped person in the world

Good Bye 2011 and welcome 2012. Happy New Year to everybody.

I wish Happy New Year to all visitors and readers of my humble blog. From zero pageviews in December 2008 when i first started blogging, now my Blog known as Malaysian Hollywood 2.0 and formerly known as Easy Comes Easy Goes 2.0 has attracted some 745,000 pageviews as of 31s December 2011. Thank You Very Much for The SUPPORT!!!

While ushering into the new Year 2012, let us be inspired by the incredible story of Helen Keller, the most famous handicapped person in the world.

Born in Tuscumbia, Alabama, America on 27 June 1880, she was deaf and blind but rose on to become the most well known disabled activist, author and lecturer the world has ever seen.

She died on 1st June 1968 due to natural causes but her legacy lives on.

On September 14, 1964, President Lyndon B. Johnson awarded her the Presidential Medal of Freedom, one of the United States' two highest civilian honors.

In 1965 she was elected to the National Women's Hall of Fame at the New York World's Fair.

In 1999, Keller was listed in Gallup's Most Widely Admired People of the 20th Century.

In 2003, Alabama honored its native daughter on its state quarter.

The Helen Keller Hospital in Sheffield, Alabama is dedicated to her.

There are streets named after Helen Keller in Getafe, Spain, in Lod, Israel and in Lisbon, Portugal.

Helen Keller was, for a time, the most famous handicapped person in the world. A severe fever at age 19 months left Keller blind and deaf and barely able to communicate.

At age six Keller met Anne Sullivan (later Anne Sullivan Macy), the tutor who taught Keller the alphabet and thereby opened up the world to her. Keller became an excellent student and eventually attended Radcliffe College, where she graduated with honors in 1904.

While at Radcliffe she wrote an autobiography, The Story of My Life (1902), which made her famous. (Her many later books included The World I Live In (1908), Out of the Dark (1913), and 1938's Helen Keller's Journal.)

In later life Keller became an activist and lecturer, sometimes in support of the blind and deaf, and sometimes for causes including Socialism and women's rights. She also founded and promoted the American Foundation for the Blind. During her lifetime Keller was regarded as one of America's most inspirational figures.

Keller's story was told in a 1957 television play, The Miracle Worker, which later became a Broadway play (1959) and then a 1962 film starring Anne Bancroft as Sullivan and Patty Duke as Keller; both Bancroft and Duke won Academy Awards for their work.

Keller's image appears on the quarter-dollar coin honoring Alabama, first released in 2003. According to the U.S. Mint, the coin is the first U.S. coin to feature braille.

Happy New Year 2012 Every One.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Darya Klishina, the super sexy Russian long jumper will compete in the 2012 London Olympics

She looks more like a Supermodel.

But Darya Klishina is a world class female long jumper who will be competing in the 2012 London Olympics in her pet event.

So London, watch for Darya Klishina, the bombshell from Tver, Russia.

Darya Klishina, atlit lompat jauh Russia yang teramat seksi dan lawa

Sekali imbas, gadis ini kelihatan lebih sebagai seorang super model.

Namun dia sebenarnya atlit lompat jauh kelas dunia.

Sukan Olimpik London 2012 pasti mata kita tertumpu kepada acara olahraga, Lompat Jauh Wanita.

Manakan tidak, seorang daripada pesertanya amat cantik dan seksi.

Individu dimaksudkan, Darya Klishina, 20 tahun.

Atlit jelita dari Tver ini mulanya aktif dalam bola tampar ketika berusia 8 tahun, namun bertukar angin kepada olahraga ketika berusia 13 tahun pada 2004.

Darya sudah menang acara lompat jauh wanita ketika Kejohanan Olahraga Remaja Dunia dan Kejohanan Olahraga Belia Dunia di Ostrava pada 2007.

Kini si jelita ini di ranking ke 3, atlit lompat jauh wanita sedunia.

Dengan potongan badan yang seksi dan wajah jelita, sudah pasti Darya Klishina menggegar London pada Sukan Olimpik 2012 mulai 27 Julai hingga 12 Ogos 2012, kelak.

All the best Darya Klishina.

Palm oil threat to Indonesia's orangutans, BBC reports from East Kalimantan, Indonesia

Orangutans are the only exclusively Asian genus of extant great ape. There are only two surviving species, both of which are endangered: the Bornean Orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus) and the critically endangered Sumatran Orangutan (Pongo abelii).

A 2007 study by the Government of Indonesia noted in 2004 it was estimated that there was a total wild population of 61,234 orangutans, 54,567 of which were found on the island of Borneo. So we have to safeguard these primate, not kill them!!

Ronal, a (mighty stupid) plantation worker, says plantations view orangutans as pests (instead of critically endangered primate). Some plantations owners and workers are the stupidest species in the world!!

Rosa with Elaine, the baby Orang Utan

Palm oil threat to Indonesia's orangutans

By Karishma Vaswani BBC News, East Kalimantan, Indonesia

Eight-month-old baby orangutan Elaine would have never survived without her carer Rosa.

Coaxing the infant ape to eat, Rosa uses a mixture of baby-talk orangutan sounds, trying to mimic the noises Elaine's mum would have made if she were here.

The baby orangutan and her mother were separated when they were chased off a palm oil plantation by some workers. It is not clear whether the older orangutan is even alive.

Now, Elaine depends on Rosa for care.

"She usually cries when I leave," Rosa said, cradling the baby ape. "So I need to always be close to her."

Elaine is one of two baby orangutans rescued from palm oil plantations in the last few months and brought to the Samboja Lestari sanctuary in East Kalimantan.

Orangutans are very vulnerable when they first arrive at the sanctuary, explained Ascheta Bastuni Tajuddin, the manager of Samboja Lestari.

"The two babies Elaine and Mads, they were really stressed,'' she says. ''One had diarrhoea, and the other had fever."

''Most of the orangutans we have here are confiscated from people's houses,'' she adds. ''But lately, there are several baby orangutans that we have rescued who have been separated from their mothers.

''Either the mother is killed or runs away because of the people chasing her on palm oil plantations.''

Chased and killed

Unfortunately, Elaine and Mads are not unique cases. There have been a number of reports of late of orangutans being chased away on palm oil plantations in East Kalimantan. At least 750 are thought to have been killed during 2008 and 2009.

Orangutans, amongst the most endangered species in Indonesia, are increasingly under threat in their own homes.

In the last few weeks, Indonesian police have arrested five palm oil plantation workers on suspicion of killing the great apes, bringing the total number of those arrested to nine

On the bumpy car ride to the area in East Kalimantan where many of the killings are thought to have taken place, it was apparent that much of the landscape had been converted into palm oil plantations.

"Just 10 years ago, this was all forest," Rudi, who drove the BBC team to the sanctuary, said. "These areas used to be the homes of the orangutans until the palm oil plantations came.''

Forests are the natural habitats of Indonesia's orangutans. But the expansion of palm oil plantations and coal mines in East Kalimantan's forest areas has resulted in tragic consequences for the animals.

''When the orangutans came back to the areas they once thought were their homes, they were driven out by the people who work on these plantations," Rudi said.

Dire consequences

At a plantation where some killings have been reported recently, workers chopping away leaves of the oil palm trees, to get to the bright orange fruit hidden beneath were reluctant to speak to the BBC.

The precious palm oil comes from inside this fruit. Oil is extracted both from the pulp and the kernel of the fruit.

Finally Ronal from Sulawesi said that he knew about the orangutan deaths and the reasons why some workers were willing to hurt them.

"Some workers found an orangutan on the plantation," he said. "The company paid them $100 (£64) for it. I don't know what the company did with the ape, but they want them gone because they see them as pests."

Palm oil firms say they are innocent and that conservation groups blame them unfairly. But environmentalists say there are dire consequences if nothing is done to stop the killings of orangutans.

"They will go extinct in the wild in perhaps five years," said Arfiana Khairunnisa, with the Centre for Orangutan Protection in East Kalimantan.

''We find this case only in plantation areas they are considered as pests actually by the workers because they eat the palm seedlings,'' she added. ''Orangutans are protected by law in Indonesia so this violates the law."

Indonesia is home to 90% of the world's orangutans.

The Indonesian government has said it is committed to protecting orangutans, but critics have questioned why palm oil plantations are being allowed to expand in their natural habitat.

On the journey out of the plantation area, driver Rudi stepped on the brakes suddenly, bringing the car to an abrupt halt.

"Look! There on the road! An orangutan!" he exclaimed.

The orangutan lumbered slowly across the dirt road, one giant arm swinging against the other. He paused, as if startled by something he heard, and proceeded to scamper quickly off into the forest.

He moved too fast for a photograph to be taken. It was very rare to see an orangutan in the wild, said Mike, the BBC's guide from the Centre of Orangutan Protection.

"Unfortunately, he might not be so lucky,'' he added. ''This is very near the area where many of the killings of orangutans have been reported. He could be the next victim."

Statement from AirAsia, Tony Fernandes is not leaving AirAsia

This is an official statement from AirAsia

Tony Fernandes Not Leaving AirAsia

We refer to BERNAMA’s news report with the headline ‘Tony Fernandes May Leave AirAsia, No Timeline Set’, published on 8 December 2011 at 5.29pm (GMT +8). We wish to clarify that the report is inaccurate, and at this point of time already removed from the agency’s website.

Tan Sri Dr. Tony Fernandes’ statement was made only in reference to his aspiration and expectation of the quality of his successor, should he decides to retire in the future. However, our Group CEO does not have any plans to relinquish his leadership of the company any time ‘soon’ as suggested by the article.

The article also mentioned a statement made by Fernandes saying “…the three of us have plenty of things to do.” This is clear indication that Fernandes, along with AirAsia Chairman Dato’ Aziz Bakar and Deputy Group CEO Dato’ Kamarudin Meranun, will continue to pursue more opportunities with the airline and endow the company with their leadership for many years to come.

MY SAY > Well how come Mr Fernandes is leaving the biggest and most successful airlines in the world? Apart from AirAsia, Fernandes also owns Queens Park Rangers football club in the English Premier League and Team Lotus Formula 1.

Press Statement by the Malaysian MINISTRY OF SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY AND INNOVATION, on the Establishment of the Board of Computing Professionals Malaysia

Press Statement by the Malaysian MINISTRY OF SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY AND INNOVATION, on the Establishment of the Board of Computing Professionals Malaysia (BCPM)

9 DECEMBER 2011 - Source MOSTI Corporate Communications Unit

The Establishment of the Board of Computing Professionals Malaysia (BCPM)

Recently, there was a misconception about the proposed BCPM Act currently being drafted by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI).

The claim is that the new Act will regulate computing practitioners and force them to  register with a new Board called the Board of Computing Professional and that those who are not registered with this new board would not be allowed to practise programming, software engineering or apply for government tenders regardless of their years of experience or other qualifications.

MOSTI would like to assure all concerned parties that the establishment of the proposed BCPM is a body that will give recognition to the information, technology and communication (ICT) practitioners in the country as professionals in their respective computing domain.

BCPM does not aim to regulate the computing profession in the nation but only applies to those that are identified as Critical National Information Infrastructure (CNII) entities with the intent to safeguard the interest of the nation in view of the current dynamic and challenging global environments.

CNII is defined as those assets, systems and functions that are vital to the nation that their incapacity or destruction would have a devastating impact on National economic strength or National image or National defence and security or Government capability to function or Public health and safety.

The CNII entities will be as identified by the The Chief Government Security Office (CGSO).

As for the need to be registered as Computing Professionals with BCPM, it is not mandatory.

Registration with the BCPM does not apply only to graduates from the computing domain but will also take into consideration those from other disciplines with adequate computing experiences as well as those with professional qualifications in their respective computing domain.

Why do we need this Act?

The need of this Act is to achieve the following objectives:

Enhance the value of the profession as it will require registered members to possess minimum levels of qualification/experience;

Raise professional standards by developing and maintaining a code of conduct for computing professionals;

Review qualifications offered by other bodies in order to serve as a guide and reference when gauging which certifications are valid and relevant;

Provide some level of assurance of the quality of computing professionals to employers who hire those who are registered by BCPM;

Enhance the supply of ICT manpower in the country and help the nation achieve the goals of the New Economic Model in becoming a productive high-income nation; and

Serve as a central repository of all computing professionals and practitioners in the country.

The vision of BCPM is to ensure that all computing services provided by the Malaysian Computing Professionals are globally recognised and with full regards to the public interest in mind.

BCPM’s mission is to elevate the standing, visibility and recognition of Computing Professionals to ensure that computing services provided by the Computing Professionals in the country are in compliance with appropriate legislation and policies.

Within the context of this draft BCPM Bill, “Computing” has been defined as a goal-oriented activity to plan, architect, design, create, develop, implement, use and manage information technology or information technology systems.

In coming up with the draft of the BCPM Bill, MOSTI has initiated an effort to ensure the views of all key stakeholders are taken into consideration.

With this intent, MOSTI has engaged various parties from both the private and public sectors such as the Ministry of Information, Communications and Culture, Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC), Public Service Department of Malaysia, Malaysian Administration Modernisation and Management Planning Unit (MAMPU), National Security Council, CGSO, National ICT Deans Council (MADICT), National Professors Council, Association of the Computer and Multimedia Industry Malaysia (PIKOM), Multimedia Development Corporation (MDeC), CyberSecurity Malaysia, MIMOS Berhad and Malaysian National Computer Confederation (MNCC) to deliberate and confer on all pertaining issues on the subject matter of computing professionals in the country.

In order to solicit further inputs to improve the BCPM Bill, MOSTI had an open day on 13 December 2011 (Tuesday) from 9.30am to 5.00pm at the Dewan Perhimpunan
Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, Federal Government Administrative Centre,
Putrajaya, Malaysia

The intent of the open day was to inform the public of the proposed establishment of the BCPM and to provide a platform for all interested parties to view the draft BCPM Bill and give the opportunity for members of the public to present constructive feedbacks, opinions and thoughts on the draft BCPM Bill.

All feedbacks, opinions and thoughts will be considered by MOSTI in ensuring the draft Bill address the concerns and issues of all parties.

AirAsia Introduces Additional Flight Frequencies from Kuala Lumpur to Kota Kinabalu & Sandakan, Sabah starting 6th February 2012

AirAsia, the world’s best low cost airline for three consecutive years (2009, 2010, 2011) is introducing additional flight frequencies from Kuala Lumpur to Kota Kinabalu and Sandakan, in Sabah, enhancing the airline’s connectivity to these destinations.

The new additional flight frequencies present 14x daily flights (13x daily previously) from Kuala Lumpur – Kota Kinabalu (starting 6 February 2012).

Kuala Lumpur – Sandakan will be available 3x daily (2x daily previously) starting 6 February 2012.

To kick off the additional flight frequencies, AirAsia is offering special promotional fare to all travelers. Enjoy special low fares from Kuala Lumpur to Kota Kinabalu or Sandakan with all-in-fares from as low as RM69*.

Booking period for this exclusive promo is from 14 December - 25 December 2011, for the travel period from 6 February – 27 October 2012.

The airline is also enhancing connectivity from Kota Kinabalu to Hong Kong by introducing additional flight frequencies with 10x flights weekly (7x weekly previously).

Enjoy more convenience and additional flight time options, with all-in-fares from as low as RM189*. Booking period is from 14 December - 25 December 2011, for the travel period from 21 February – 27 October 2012.

All the best AirAsia.

Source : AirAsia Communications

Maybank Group CFO identified to take over as President Director of Bank Internasional Indonesia

Maybank today 16 December 2011, announced that its Group Chief Financial Officer (CFO), Khairussaleh Ramli (photo above) has been identified to assume the position of President Director of Bank Internasional Indonesia (BII).

This appointment is subject to approval from Bank Indonesia as well as the shareholders of BII at an Extraordinary General Meeting to be convened.

A final announcement on this matter will be made at the appropriate time.

Source : Maybank Corporate Affairs, Kuala Lumpur



Maybank's latest single premium and capital guaranteed investment-linked insurance plan, Fortune8, is targeting to achieve its cap of RM300 million in sales by the time the fund closes on 31 December 2011.

Fortune8, is a closed-end three-year, six-month investment-link plan that provides a guaranteed investment return and capital protection on the investment with additional potential upside return from the performance of commodity prices.

Maybank Deputy President and Head of Community Financial Services Lim Hong Tat said, “Fortune8 is appealing to customers as it provides potential upside return apart from guaranteeing 100% of the capital on maturity and paying a 5% guaranteed cash payout at the end of the 18th policy month. Customers can start investing with a minimum investment of RM15,000 and additional investments in multiples of RM1,000.”

“The fund provides exposure to commodities as a hedge against the global inflationary environment, including items such as food, transportation and many more. Commodities are able to protect investors from short term effects of inflation while providing capital appreciation “said Lim.

“The fund is particularly suited to investors looking for added peace of mind with guaranteed returns along with the flexibility to capture growth in the commodities market along the way,” he added.

The investment-linked plan allows investors the choice to invest in commodities like energy, precious metals, industrial metals, agriculture and livestock.

Lim said that Fortune8 was also in line with Maybank Group’s strategy to extend its asset management business, not only in Malaysia but regionally. “Given the growing demand from customers for a diversified range of investment products, especially from those with a low risk profile, we believe that Fortune8 will provide them the confidence to invest even in volatile market conditions,” he added.

“Our intention is to ultimately make investing in such funds available to our customers in the region especially in our key home markets of Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia and other ASEAN countries.”

Fortune8 also provides insurance protection coverage for the family in the event of the investor’s death. It guarantees a lump sum of up to 125% of the single premium for investors aged between 18 years and 55 years and 105% of single premium for those aged 56 years to 70 years.

Fortune8 is underwritten by Etiqa Insurance Berhad can be purchased at all Maybank branches nationwide.

Source : Maybank Corporate Affairs & Communications

Promenade Hotel fetes Media to its Annual Christmas Thanksgiving 2011

Thank you very much Promenade Hotel, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, East Malaysia

Prepared by Promenade's best chef = Roast Boneless Lamb

Roasted Turkey

Promenade staff also visited charity homes during Thanksgiving

Promenade Hotel Kota Kinabalu had its annual Christmas Thanksgiving with members of the press, in early December 2011 in an effort to celebrate comradeship.

All media fraternities were spoilt with an elaborate buffet dinner complete with traditional holiday favorites such as Roast Boneless Lamb Leg, Roast Sirloin and Roast Turkey specially prepared by the hotel’s new award winning Executive Chef - Kevin Lim.

Tis’ the season to be jolly! Once again, Promenade Hotel Kota Kinabalu welcomes hotel guests with colourful displays of unique and meaningful décor, entertainment and culinary delights that celebrate the spirit of joyful Christmas and the coming New Year.

“We’ve creatively planned Christmas and New Year menus plus a hive of fantastic activities for the whole family and friends to enjoy throughout this festive season of goodwill and sharing before we draw the final curtain to mark the end of 2011.” – said Mr. Alexander Wong, Director of Food & Beverage.

All the Best Promenade

Air Asia introduces flights to Semarang, Indonesia and Surat Thani, Thailand, February 2012

AirAsia introduces two new destinations!

Guests can now fly to Semarang, Indonesia & Surat Thani, Thailand with AirAsia

AirAsia, the world’s best low cost airline, will be flying to Semarang, Indonesia and Surat Thani, Thailand with flights for both destinations commencing on 6th February 2012.

To celebrate the new destinations, AirAsia is having a special promotion for flights to Semarang and Surat Thani which is available for booking from now until 18 December 2011. All-in-fares to both destinations are from as low as RM79 one way.

The travel period for this promotion is from 6th Feb – 30th June 2012.

Citibank customers are also able to enjoy special all-in-fare of RM69 one way for both these new destinations as well throughout the promotion period. As part of this special promotion, guests with BIG cards are able to earn 100 BIGGIES as well.

Guests are able to book via as well as via mobile at, and via AirAsia apps for Blackberry, iPhone and Android phones.

The apps are available for download at Blackberry App World, iTunes App Store and Android Marketplace by searching for the keyword AirAsia.

Kathleen Tan, Regional Commercial Head of AirAsia says, “As a truly Asean airline, we are committed to connecting more people throughout the region. We are sure that our guests will be as excited as us with the introduction of Semarang, a business-centric town with big tourism potential waiting to be tapped; and Surat Thani, the largest province of Southern Thailand and the gateway to paradise island Koh Samui.”

“Guests flying from Semarang and Surat Thani to Kuala Lumpur can take advantage of AirAsia’s massive route network where they will be able to connect to over 20 other countries, and over 160 destinations whether for business or leisure,” added Kathleen Tan.

AirAsia’s operations are anchored in its mission to democratize travel, encapsulated in its tagline Now Everyone Can Fly. AirAsia has also established itself as the Truly Asean airline, with its unmatched connectivity in the region and its “sky bridges” – routes – that link the capitals and communities of Southeast Asia to each other and beyond.

The flight to Semarang is scheduled to depart from the Low Cost Carrier Terminal in Sepang at 7.20 am daily while the return flight is at 9 am daily.

Meanwhile the flight to Surat Thani, departs at 11.20 am, thrice weekly on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.

Source : Air Asia Communications

Ketua Puteri UMNO, Datuk Rosnah Abdul Rashid Shirlin kecam tindakan segelintir mahasiswa turunkan bendera Perdana Menteri di PWTC


Pergerakan Puteri UMNO kecewa dan mengecam tindakan kurang ajar, biadap dan tidak menghormati orang lain oleh sekelompok mahasiswa yang menurunkan bendera Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak di Pusat Dagangan Dunia Putra (PWTC) kelmarin.

Tindakan kumpulan mahasiswa yang berhimpun di PWTC kononnya kerana menuntut pemansuhan Akta Universiti dan Kolej Universiti (AUKU) dan Akta Institusi Pendidikan Tinggi Swasta itu juga amat beremosi dan terbukti sangat tidak matang 

Biar pun mereka yang terlibat dana  Himpunan BEBAS itu tidak ramai namun ia cukup untuk mengambar imej buruk mahasiswa secara keseluruhannya. 

Pergerakan Puteri UMNO dan semua pihak  menghormati hak mahasiswa bersuara dan kerajaan sentiasa memberi ruang kepada mereka  untuk menyatakan pendapat, pandangan dan apa juga idea menggunakan saluran yang betul seperti konvensyen, dialog, debat terbuka, forum dan seminar.

Malah mereka juga dibenarkan berhimpun secara aman untuk menyerahkan memorandum, namun tindakan menurunkan bendera semata-mata mahu menunjukkan bantahan terhadap AUKU tidak sepatutnya dilakukan oleh mahasiswa kerana ia tidak rasional dan tidak bertamadun. 

Puteri UMNO juga telah melihat senarai tuntutan BEBAS dan mendapati ia kurang berasas antaranya kerana: 

1. Memansuhkan sepenuhnya AUKU, Akta 174 dan Akta 555. 

Tuntutan ini sama seperti menutup terus Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi.  Saya bersetuju pindaan pada Seksyen 15 dan ia adalah lambang keterbukaan kerajaan dalam memperkasa suara mahasiswa.
2. Bebaskan Ilmuwan Berakademik.

Adakah selama ini Ilmuwan kita tidak bebas berakademik? Menyatakan pandangan dan pendirian politik atas topi parti bukan kebebasan berakademik tulen. Saya percaya isu ini timbul akibat sentimen terhadap kes Prof Aziz Bari di UIA dan halangan pembentangan buku Datuk Saifudin Abdullah (buku berjudul Kalau Saya Mahasiswa) dan ini dijadikan modal untuk menghentam kerajaan tanpa asas. 

3. Bebaskan Mahasiswa Bersuara

Kebebasan bersuara yang bagaimana lagi yang mereka mahukan? Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak  telah membuka ruang seluasnya untuk mendengar suara mahasiswa melalui pelbagai pendekatan. Kenapa tidak menggunakan saluran disediakan? 

4. Bebaskan Mahasiswa Mengurus Pilihanraya Kampus.

Mahasiswa sendiri tidak bersifat berkecuali seandainya mereka diberi tanggungjawab ini dan akan terdedah kepada pelbagai agenda yang tidak bersesuaian dengan tujuan asal pilihan raya kampus. Tuntutan untuk menggunakan SPR dalam mengurus pilihan raya kampus juga agak pelik kerana kelompok pro mahasiswa inilah yang menyatakan kononnya SPR tidak telus.

5. Bebaskan Mahasiswa Mengurus Tadbir Persatuan dan Aktiviti

HEP hanya bertindak sebagai pemudah cara dan menyediakan garis panduan yang perlu dipatuhi supaya program dan aktiviti pelajar tidak terpesong dari maksud asal program. Apa yang dikatakan sebagai kebebasan urus tadbir? Persatuan dan aktiviti tidak berdaftar sememangnya akan di halang kerana setiap aktiviti perlu membawa manfaat kepada mahasiswa secara keseluruhan dan bukan sekadar alat pihak tertentu. Tuntutan ini tidak lebih sekadar provokasi dan usaha awal untuk menutup terus HEP sebagai jabatan yang mengawal dan mengurus tadbir aktiviti pelajar. 

6. Bebaskan Mahasiswa Berpatisipasi dalam Politik.

Perdana Menteri sendiri bersetuju meminda Seksyen 15 AUKU yang memberi kebenaran kepada mahasiswa untuk menjadi ahli parti politik dan ia sedang diproses. Kebebasan bagaimana lagi mahasiswa mahukan? 

Puteri UMNO percaya, kesemua tuntutan ini hanya bersifat retorik. Bagaimanapun kelompok seperti ini harus dekati sebelum mereka semakin hanyut dalam taktik kotor pembangkang yang hanya memperalat mahasiswa untuk memenuhi keperluan politik mereka yang terdesak.

My Say > Kepada Mahasiswa dan Mahasiswi, ingatlah kecemerlangan akademik yang dikecapi Malaysia sekarang serta juga anda, hasil komitmen dan kerja keras kerajaan Pusat sejak 1957.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Kementerian Pelajaran dirayu berikan peluang baki Guru Sandaran Tidak Terlatih, GSTT di Sabah ke IPTA/IPG

Exco Pemuda UMNO Malaysia merangkap Ketua Pemuda UMNO Tenom, Sabah, Jamawi Jaafar merayu Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia agar memberikan peluang kepada baki GSTT di Sabah untuk melanjutkan pengajian ke Institusi Pengajian Tinggi Awam dan Institusi Pengajian Guru.

Dari 578 orang Guru-guru Sandaran Tidak Terlatih (GSTT) di Sabah yang diperjuangan oleh Pergerakan Pemuda Umno agar kontrak mereka disambung untuk terus berkhidmat sebagai GSTT di negeri ini, hanya 185 sahaja yang mendapat tawaran untuk mengikuti kursus KPLI.

Selebihnya sebanyak 345 tidak mendapat tawaran tersebut dimana sebahagiannya berkhidmat kurang dari 2 tahun salah satu syarat Kementerian Pelajaran untuk menyambung kontrak atau menyerapakan mereka ke kursus KPLI sementara ada yang sudah berkhidmat di sektor yang lain

Exco Pergerakan Pemuda Umno Malaysia Jamawi Jaafar berkata, Pemuda Umno Tenom yang telah berusaha memperjuangkan nasib GSTT di Sabah sebelum ini berharap guru-guru yang masih belum menerima tawaran tersebut dan layak dari segi syarat yang ditetapkan Kementerian pelajaran wajar memberikan peluang serta keutamaan kepada mereka berdasarkan pengalaman dan minat mereka dalam bidang perguruan.

“ Kita berharap baki yang ada dan belum mendapat tawaran pihak Kementerian Pelajaran wajar memberikan pertimbangan , ini kerana masih terdapat keperluan bagi mengisi kekurangan guru khususnya di kawasan luar Bandar di negeri ini” katanya ketika ditemui disini selepas mengadakan perjumpaan dengan masyarakat Tionghua di Pejabat pergerakan Pemuda Umno Tenom.

Menurut Jamawi walaupun ada di kalangan guru guru yang tidak mencukupi syarat 2 tahun mengajar namun sebilangan mereka berpengalaman dimana sebelum berkhidmat sebagai GSTT ada dikalangan mereka menjadi guru penganti dan pernah berkhidmat di sekolah sekolah swasta di Sabah.

Tambah Jamawi bagi menangani isu mereka yang layak dan masih belum menerima tawaran ini, Pergerakan Pemuda Umno Tenom telah pun menghantar suart rayuan resmi berserta dengan senarai GSTT yang terlibat yang masih menunggu tawaran kepada pihak berkenaan.

Selain dari itu Jamawi juga berharap isu penempatan graduan pendidikan UPSI/IPTA dan UNIRAZAK juga seharusnya dapat diselesaikan seberapa segera agar nasib anak anak muda ini dapat di bela dan mampu menyumbang untuk memperkasakan mutu pendidikan Negara

Dalam pada itu Pemuda Umno Tenom juga berharap sekiranya penempatan belum dapat dilaksanakan untuk kursus KPLI untuk sesi pengambilan Januari 2011 untuk baki sebanyak 345 GSTT yang belum menerima sebarang tawaran itu, kementerian diharap dapat mempertimbangan untuk di sambung kontrak mereka untuk berkhidmat secara kontrak 'contract of service' selama setahun agar mereka cukup syarat untuk memasuki KPLI pada pengambilan akan datang.

Teks : Jaafar Abdul Wahid

Saya sendiri amat setuju dengan pandangan ini kerana GSTT ini amat rajin dan sanggup berkhidmat di pedalaman di kawasan yang tiada kemudahan asas. Berilah mereka peluang.

Kepada Timbalan Perdana Menteri merangkap Menteri Pelajaran, dengarlah rintihan dan rayuan ini. Terima kasih.

Orang Utan locked up in small cage in solitary confinement in the Melaka Zoo?

I received this photos of an Orang Utan, Malaysia's endangered primate, locked up in a tiny cage in solitary confinement, through email and i feel it is worth sharing.

According to the sender of the email, this happens at the Malacca or Melaka Zoo.

The email said :

Investigators returning to Melaka Zoo (Malaysia) this week found orangutans abandoned in tiny cages with no enrichment and no company. Not unlike conditions seen on previous visits.

Malaysia’s only great ape, a protected species deserving of an iconic status in Malaysia, treated like rats.

Shiva Lucian from Nature Alert said, “I felt like crying when I saw these orangutans caged like this. I ask myself, why is it my country allows such cruelty to continue? If anything, things have got worse at this zoo since our last report to Perhilitan.

What we see here is cruelty, against our law and it must be punished.”

Melaka Zoo is no stranger to criticism. Nature Alert has filed several reports to Perhilitan, all ignored, which is why this abject cruelty continues.?

Besides orangutans, the zoo has been sharply criticised by others for the extremely cramped conditions in its quarantine area. Animals are brought into this centre from closed down zoos, never again to be seen. Where are these animals now? What happened to all those tigers from Saleng Zoo?

Sean Whyte, CEO Nature Alert said, ‘The Melaka Zoo management must be prosecuted for this cruelty. It’s no use Perhilitan sitting in their cosy air-conditioned offices with their eyes wide shut. They are paid to enforce the law, but as we know, they only do so when stung into action by public criticism. What’s the point of the new law if they won’t enforce it.

In the summer of this year Melaka Zoo were given four orangutans taken from the A’Famosa Resort where they had been very badly treated for 12 months. Is there no zoo in Malaysia capable of caring properly for orangutans? It seems not. In neighbouring Singapore, where orangutans are not native, the Singapore Zoo treats this majestic species like royalty, so why won’t Malaysia do the same?

The email also provided a You Tube link apparently showing an Orang Utan in a tiny cage, always locked up.


Actually there is a world class Orang Utan Rehabilitation Centre in Malaysia, located in Sepilok near Sandakan, Sabah, East Malaysia.

This centre is world famous.

If Melaka Zoo cannot handle the Orang Utans there, then why not send those endangered primates to Sepilok in Sabah?

Makan Nasi Daun Pisang beramai ramai, keunikan Krismas di Tenom, Sabah

Inilah keunikan sambutan Krismas di Tenom. Kelihatan penduduk kampung Merais, Tenom makan nasi dan lauk Krismas beralaskan daun pisang secara beramai ramai di Balai Raya kampung terbabit, sekaligus menyerlahkan semangat perpaduan di kalangan masyarakat majmuk di Sabah.

Ketua Pemuda UMNO Tenom merangkap Exco Pemuda UMNO Malaysia, Jamawi Jaafar sama sama meraikan sambutan Krismas 2011 di Kampung Merais, Tenom.

Antara acara menarik sambutan Krismas di Kampung Merais, Tenom yang dihuni masyarakat Murut, 1 daripada kaum etnik di Sabah.

Pendekatan dilakukan Pemuda Umno bahagian Tenom, Sabah dengan mempelbagai program turun padang semasa sambutan perayaan Hari Krismas tahun 2011, dilihat pendekatan yang mampu mempupuk semangat perpaduan antara kaum yang menjadi asas keharmonian negara dalam konteks 1 Malaysia.

Dengan pelbagai pengisian program, Pemuda Umno Tenom diketuai Jamawi Jaafar terus mengatur gerak kerja turun padang bagi bersama masyarakat khususnya mereka yang merayakan sambutan Krismas.

“ Kita mahu semangat perkongsian perayaan ini dimanfaatkan sepenuhnya bagi menjalin hubungan muhibbah antara kaum yang perlu kita lestarikan sebagai warisan yang kekal sepanjang masa” katanya ketika ditemui selepas mengetuai program Pemuda Umno Tenom turun padang melawat beberapa kampung sempena Krismas di Tenom, satu daripada kawasan pedalaman di Sabah.

Antara kampung dilawati ialah Kalibatang Baru, Merias, Kemabong, Bauku, Mangunsip dan Mentimug.

Sepanjang lawatan, rombongan bukan sahaja menyertai program rumah terbuka Krismas yang dianjurkan, malah turut menyertai sukaneka, pertandingan bola sepak dan tarik tali.

Menurut Jamawi, kepelbagaian budaya dan bangsa di Sabah telah menjadi ikon kepada pembinaan satu bangsa yang bersatu padu, sesuai dengan Gagasan 1 Malaysia yang perlu dipertahankan.

“ Ianya perlu terus diperkukuhkan sebagai landasan bagi membawa Malaysia dan rakyatnya menjadi sebuah Negara berjaya dan maju menjelang tahun 2020” katanya.

Adakah Jamawi bakal dicalonkan di Parlimen Tenom atau DUN sekitarnya pada pilihanraya umum ke 13 akan datang? Sama sama kita nantikan.

Teks Asal /Foto - Jaafar Abdul Wahid

Artikel diolah semula oleh Malaysian Hollywood 2.0


Source Tune Hotels


LONDON, 27 December 2011 – Malaysian Budget hotel chain Tune Hotels today opened its second London property at Liverpool Street with rooms from just £35 a night – perfect for the savvy traveller. By providing additional hotel stock for the city, at Tune Hotels’ vision of great value and savings, the new property is an ideal way to target domestic and international visitors.

As one of the most frequented cities in the world, London hotel costs can often be seen as too pricey for a weekend break. However the second innovative opening will be a welcome relief to travellers by providing low cost accommodation and savings which can ultimately be spent on London based experiences. Those coming to the city and staying at a Tune Hotels property can look forward to low-cost rooms focused on high-quality basics - excellent beds, power showers, air conditioned rooms, central locations, a clean environment, and 24-hour security – with guests only paying extra for the facilities and services they use.

Located just 500 metres from Liverpool Street station, the new Tune Hotels property features 183 en-suite bedrooms, all of which are 20% larger than the bedrooms at its sister property. For the first time in the UK, Tune Hotels has introduced twin bedrooms to the Liverpool Street property. The hotel also has a private courtyard garden, spanning 550 square metres, which will be accessible to all guests staying at the hotel.

Mark Lankester, Group CEO of Tune Hotels commented: "We are committed to London as one of our core markets and will be striving for Liverpool Street to follow in the success of our Westminster property which has achieved average occupancies in excess of 96% since opening in August 2010."

The Mayor of London Boris Johnson said: "Affordable hotel rooms are always in high demand in London, and it’s fantastic to see Tune Hotels invest in the capital at such a crucial time for tourism.

"There has never been a better opportunity to show our city off to the world as we gear up for one of the most extraordinary and exciting years in London’s history."

All the best Tune Hotels. All the Best Malaysia and Air Asia.