
Wednesday, February 11, 2009

After Golda Meir, will it be Tzipi Livni???

Golda Meir (1898-1978)

After Golda Meir, will Tzipi Livni become the 2nd ever female Prime Minister of Israel???

Golda Meir (1898 – 1978) was Israel’s 4th Prime Minister and the 1st. female to ever hold that position.

Meir served as Israel's foreign minister from 1956 to 1966 before her appointment as Israel’s fourth prime minister in 1969 until 1974 when she was replaced by Yitzhak Rabin.

She was the leader of Israel’s Labour party and described as the Iron Lady in Israel politics and was once called “the best man in the government” by Israel first PM David Ben-Gurion.

Meir died in 1978 at the age of 80 years.

Livni, 50, married with 2 children, is the leader of Kadima party and is currently Israel’s Foreign Minister.

Tzipi Livni

She served as a Lieutenant in the IDF, Israel Defence Forces and was a former spy having worked for the elite Institute for Intelligence and Special Operations or Mossad for 2 years in the early 1980s.

Livni, is presently contesting in an election to choose the new Prime Minister of Israel.

Just a moment ago, she declared herself victory over Likud party presidential candidate, Benjamin Netanyahu.

With 99 % votes counted, Livni's Kadima leads Netanyahu's Likud with 28 seats against 27 seats.

Livni during her presidential campaign pledged for a more peaceful Israel-Palestine relationship, an effort lauded by US President Barack Obama.

She also reportedly offered more lands to the Palestinians.

But one wonders what Hamas and Fatah have in their mind of the new government in Tel Aviv.


  1. 28 over 27...that's pretty close. Do they have "frogs" in Israel?

  2. Disney.. sorry for the 2 years late reply.. i dont think there are frogs in Israel... if they are.. then they will be shot with an AK47!!! hahaha
