
Sunday, May 16, 2010

The first wedding in the world conducted by a Robot..!!

Fancy this. It is your wedding day and instead of a priest, the marriage ceremony was conducted by a non human - A Robot!!

This happened in Tokyo, Japan, very recently.

And yet this event marked another historic day for Japan as the venue and host of the world's first every wedding to be conducted by a robot.

The automated creature, known as the I-Fairy, oversaw the wedding of Tomohiro Shibata and Satoko Inoue.

The couple decided to use the robot as they are both connected with Japan's thriving robotics industry.

Since robots had brought them together in the first place, they said, having one officiate at their wedding was a natural choice.

During the ceremony, I-Fairy - which has flashing eyes and plastic pigtails - instructed the groom to lift the bride's veil for the kiss.

The wedding took part in a rooftop restaurant in the Japanese capital.

Anyone in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia dare to do this??

Is that marriage legal and bind?? and not null and void??? U choose....

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