
Friday, June 17, 2011

The most controversial picture of the Vancouver riots

Angry, drunken hockey fans ran wild Wednesday night, 15th June 2011 in Vancouver, British Columbia, after the Vancouver Canucks’ 4-0 loss to Boston in Game 7 of the Stanley Cup finals.

The fans went wild, creating havoc, setting cars and garbage cans ablaze, smashing windows, showering giant TV screens with beer bottles and dancing atop overturned vehicles.

Later, looters took advantage of the situation and smashed windows and ran inside department stores.

However one picture of the riots stunned the world!! It shows a couple kissing passionately in the middle a street!!!

What a scene.. This is what we call "Love beyond our wildest dreams"!!!

Or this what we call "Make Love, Not War"??? hahahaha

Anyway thanks to Facebook and the micro-blogging site Twitter, the identity of the now famous couple has been revealed, less than 24 hours after the sensational picture was published in the world media for the world to see.

About 24 hours after this photo was reveled, media reported that the boyfriend and girlfriend in the photograph are Aussie bartender Scott Jones and Canadian college student Alex Thomas.

Unfortunately, Alex was reportedly injured just before the picture was taken.

The media reported that Jones and Thomas have been dating since Jones arrived in Vancouver on a "working holiday."

They attended Game 7 of the Stanley Cup Final, which led to the riot.

After the game, Scott and Alex somehow found themselves between the angry rioters and charging riot police later that night in downtown Vancouver.

So how were Jones and Thomas ultimately identified as the unlikely "make love, not war" couple of Vancouver's embarrassing night of injury and destruction?

It probably won't surprise you to learn that Facebook was involved.

Though Scott's sister Hannah first identified her brother to an Australian news network, things really started taking off when Brett Jones, Scott's father, posted the following update on his Facebook profile on Friday morning from the family's home in Perth, Australia.

Nice one.. Scott and Alex... you truly defined the notion > Make Love, Not War!!