Formerly known as Easy Comes Easy Goes 2.0. I am a Malaysian who loves Hollywood but has never set foot there. My interests = Anything that interests you including Hollywood, Bollywood and Clint Eastwood. Thanks for reading folks. This blog contains 100% true postings, based on established international media reports and reputable trustworthy sources. No lies or fabrications included. Cheers.
This was a high level soccer match. It was England vs Croatia in the Euro 2008 qualifier. The match was held in Zagreb. But then suddenly 3 funny moments occured in one sequence.
First it was England's goalkeeper, Paul Robinson dreadful mistake in the 69th minute of the match. He completely missed a slow back pass from England defender Gary Neville and the ball crossed the goal line to give Croatia a free gift goal. It was Croatia's 2nd goal. Croatia won that match 2-0. Every Croatian fans laughed at Robinson.
Secondly at 0.13 in this video - the Chinese commentator said "Aiyaaaaaaaaaa"... How many times can we hear a football comentator said "Aiyaaaaaaaaaaaa".... while commenting on a high stake match like this???
I thought this "Aiyaaaaaaaaaa" word is only being spoken in the kampung while drinking Beer or at the wet market where an old lady said to the vegetable seller "Aiyaaaaaaaaa, why so expensive oooooo.... no discount meeehhhhhhhh"
And the 3rd funny moment can be seen at 1.25 in this video... suddenly the funny man - Borat appeared with the words "I LIKE YOU" which implied "I LIKE THAT.. ROBINSON"!!!! Borat is the ultra funny character played by British actor and comedian - Sacha Baron Cohen.
Laporan Utusan Malaysia pada 22 Oktober 2009 menyebut seperti berikut :
Jawapan Mohd. Nor buatkan Anwar terdiam
KUALA LUMPUR 22 Okt. – Jika perbahasan Sidang Dewan Rakyat diibaratkan satu pertandingan debat, Mohd. Nor Othman (BN-Hulu Terengganu) umumnya bukanlah tandingan kepada Ketua Pembangkang, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.
Namun demikian, pada perbahasan Rang Undang-Undang Panglima Gagah Berani hari ini, Mohd. Nor walaupun sekali-sekala masih kedengaran loghat Terengganu dalam ucapannya berjaya membuktikan sebaliknya.
Ini berikutan jawapan beliau terhadap celahan Anwar ibarat ‘pukulan maut’ yang mematikan terus hujah Ketua Pembangkang yang umumnya dikenali sebagai seorang yang petah berpidato.
Anwar dalam celahan itu antaranya seperti mendabik dada apabila mendakwa banyak peruntukan bagi kebajikan untuk anggota keselamatan dilakukan sewaktu beliau berada di dalam kerajaan.
“Sama ada Yang Berhormat (Hulu Terengganu) sedar atau tidak, dalam seluruh sejarah, peruntukan terbesar kepada pegawai dan anggota tentera terutama sudut perumahan adalah diluluskan semasa saya memegang jawatan Menteri Kewangan,” jelas Anwar.
Mendengar celahan Anwar itu, Mohd. Nor hanya berkata:
“Ya kita berterima kasih kerana Ketua Pembangkang telah sediakan jumlah banyak untuk perumahan anggota tentera dan polis (ketika jadi Menteri Kewangan) dahulu.
“Tetapi ingatlah, pada masa itu Ketua Pembangkang boleh melaksanakannya kerana Ketua Pembangkang berada dalam kerajaan Barisan Nasional (BN). Kalau di luar kerajaan BN, belum tentu (Ketua Pembangkang) boleh berbuat seperti itu,” katanya.
Jawapan Mohd. Nor itu kemudiannya langsung tidak cuba dipatahkan Anwar yang sebelum itu mengambil masa hampir lima minit ketika mencelah giliran Mohd. Nor berbahas Rang Undang-Undang Panglima Gagah Berani bagi menaikkan elaun penerimanya daripada RM300 kepada RM500.
Selain itu, Mohd. Nor dalam perbahasannya turut membidas beberapa hujah daripada wakil pembangkang yang mengambil giliran sebelum beliau.
Apa yang menarik, wakil Hulu Terengganu itu dengan gaya bersahaja menggunakan bidalan membidas pembangkang yang sebelum itu mendakwa mereka akan memperjuangkan kebajikan anggota tentera jika menjadi kerajaan berbanding kerajaan BN yang mengabaikan kebajikan pasukan keselamatan.
Menurut Mohd. Nor, sekiranya benar pembangkang begitu prihatin kepada kebajikan anggota tentera mengapa tidak kerajaan negeri pimpinan pembangkang yang ada pada hari ini turut sama melakukan sesuatu untuk tujuan tersebut.
“Kepada wakil Gombak, (Mohamed Azmin Ali-PKR), kami menunggu janji manis kata-kata berhikmah supaya peruntukan yang sama turut diberikan oleh kerajaan pembangkang.
“Ini supaya buah terus digugur, jangan cakap tak serupa bikin. Cakap berderai-derai, tapi ekor bergelumang najis,” ujarnya.
Setelah lebih sepuluh anggota Dewan terlibat dalam perbahasan tersebut, Rang Undang-Undang Panglima Gagah Berani (Elaun Kenangan) 2009 bagi menaikkan elaun penerima pingat tersebut daripada RM300 kepada RM1,500 diluluskan.
Namun ada satu lagi cerita mengenai Anwar Ibrahim - dulu dia selalu hentam media arus perdana seperti TV3, Berita Harian, Utusan Malaysia, RTM, The Star kerana selalu menyebelahi BN dan sering menghentam pembangkang dan beliau... Anwar melabelkan media arus perdana itu dengan pelbagai label yang negatif!!!
Tapi cuba katakan pada Anwar - siapakah yang membantu Anwar Ibrahim menjadi Timbalan Perdana Menteri dulu setelah beliau menang jawatan Timbalan Presiden UMNO dengan menewaskan Allahyarham Tun Ghafar Baba pada 1993?? Siapa??
Jawapannya Media arus perdanalah yg menaikkan beliau - media arus perdana seperti Berita Harian, Utusan Malaysia, TV3, RTM dan The Star lah yang mengikut dia ke hulu ke hilir, siang malam, buat liputan kempen ceramah dia menentang Tun Ghafar - semua media arus perdana ikut dia... dan semua ini disiarkan di berita perdana jam 8 pm dan muka hadapan surat2 khabar perdana...
Sedikit saja media yg sokong Tun Ghafar meskipun ketika itu Tun Ghafar adalah Timbalan Perdana Menteri merangkap incumbent/penyokong Timbalan Presiden UMNO.
Kesudahannya, 19 daripada 20 Bahagian UMNO di Sabah, mencalonkan Anwar bagi jawatan Timbalan Presiden UMNO, hanya 1 Bahagian sahaja iaitu Marudu yg diketuai Allahyarham Tun Mustafa Datu Harun yg mencalonkan Tun Ghafar. Keadaan itu amat merungsingkan Ghafar kerana ketika itu dia adalah Pengerusi Badan Perhubungan UMNO Sabah - tetapi kepimpinannya ditolak oleh UMNO Sabah sendiri...
Ini memaksa Tun Ghafar meletakkan jawatan sebagai Pengerusi Badan Perhubungan UMNO Sabah... dan tidak lama selepas itu Tun Ghafar mengumumkan perletakan jawatannya sebagai Timbalan Presiden UMNO.
Ini kerana selain di Sabah, pencalonan diterima Anwar di seluruh negara jauh meninggalkan pencalonan diterima Tun Ghafar, sehinggalah memaksa Tun Ghafar meletakkan jawatan Timbalan Presiden UMNO dan Timbalan Perdana Menteri.
Kesudahannya, Anwar Ibrahim menang tanpa bertanding jawatan Timbalan Presiden UMNO - menerusi bantuan Media arus perdana... tetapi setelah dia dipecat dari UMNO pada 1998, Anwar melabelkan pula media arus perdana dengan pelbagai label negatif....!!!
Photo 1- AirAsia Flight Attendant Manager Jackie Teo presenting Liew with a bouquet of flowers.
Photo 2 - FREE flights for life, for mom and baby: AirAsia Director of Operations Moses Devanayagam (left) presenting Liew with free flights for life, for herself and child.
Baby delivered at 2,000 feet!
Air Asia - Malaysia's first low cost airlines and winner of a hosts of international airlines awards, recorded another first in its history.
On Wednesday, 21st October 2009, an AirAsia Flight AK 6506 from Penang en route to Kuching turned from a routine flight into a historic one.
A passenger, Liew Siaw Hsia, 31, suddenly went into labour and subsequently gave birth to a healthy baby boy.
When Liew began to show signs of discomfort, an emergency re-route to Kuala Lumpur was immediately initiated.
Luckily a doctor was on board. Dr. Ronald Tang, attended to Liew and provided initial medical attention.
He was assisted by the airline’s flight attendants, who instantaneously rendered essential support and ensured Ms. Liew’s comfort in preparing for delivery of her baby on board.
Well, the baby boy was safely delivered when flight AK 6506 was approaching Kuala Lumpur for landing at 2, 000 feet.
As soon as the aircraft landed, an ambulance, medical staff and AirAsia ground staff were already waiting to transfer the mother and baby to the hospital.
AirAsia also provided an ambulift to facilitate transfer of both mother and baby from the aircraft into the ambulance. They were brought to Putrajaya Hospital for further medical care.
AirAsia’s Director of Operations Moses Devanayagam, Flight Attendant Manager Jackie Teo and flight attendants visited the mother and child at the hospital to convey their well wishes and announced that they are granted free flights on AirAsia for life.
AirAsia is also very happy to have a first baby delivered onboard its aircraft, and that both mother and baby are healthy and safe.
Moses said, “I would like to congratulate Ms. Liew and wish her all the best of luck. Delivering a baby at 2,000 feet is indeed a very rare experience, and certainly she will cherish the moment forever. To celebrate this momentous occasion, we decided to present both mother and child with free flights for life. We look forward to them flying AirAsia for many years to come.
“I would also like to thank Dr. Ronald Tang for giving Ms. Liew the best care whilst the flight was on course to Kuala Lumpur. Facilitating a birth on a flight is definitely a heroic feat, and we are very privileged to have him onboard,” he concludes.
When contacted by AirAsia yesterday, the hero of flight AK 6506, Dr. Ronald Tang praised AirAsia’s competency in handling the situation.
He said, “AirAsia’s staff did a great job in handling the situation. They were very efficient and helpful. The staff has done something really significant by comforting, reassuring and accompanying the mother at all times. The delivery was blessed with no complications. The mother and baby were safe and immediately transferred to the hospital upon landing. Everything was smooth and efficient. Well done to all!”
World tennis legend – Margaret Court of Australia was in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia today, Saturday, 17 October 2009 to conduct motivational and tennis clinic session.
The historic event was held at the Sutera Harbour Resort, Kota Kinabalu from 2 pm to 4 pm, attended by almost 200 tennis enthusiast as well as budding tennis prodigy from around Kota Kinabalu.
The presence of Court – the living legend is truly a once in a lifetime opportunity for Sabahans and Malaysians.
It was Court 2nd visit to Sabah, but it was the 1st time that she conducted a tennis clinic.
Margaret Court ruled the women tennis world between 1960 till her retirement in 1977.
She won 92 titles in singles, women’s doubles and mixed doubles.
She is the winner of most Grand Slam titles – 62 overall in singles, doubles and mixed doubles.
2nd was Martina Navratilova with 59 Grand Slam titles overall.
Court won 24 singles Grand Slam titles – 3 more than her closest rival – Steffi Graf and 9 more than The Great Roger Federer - the current world no.1 who has only 15 Grand Slam singles titles todate.
Court further won 19 Grand Slam doubles titles and 19 Grand Slam mixed doubles titles.
The 24 singles titles include 11 Australian Open, 5 US Open, 5 French Open and 3 Wimbledon.
Margaret Court is one of only 3 women to ever win the calendar Grand Slam, that is winning the Australian Open, French Open, Wimbledon and US Open in the same year.
She achieved that in 1970.
She also completed 2 mixed doubles Grand Slam in 1963 and 1965 with 4 different tennis partners.
Court retired from the sport in 1977 as the most successful tennis player to ever live in this planet.
One strange thing is - Margaret Court is a right handed tennis player, but notice the pictures when she is signing autographs - she is left handed!!!
Well, Margaret Court presence was indeed a historic one for Sabah as well as Malaysia.
The most iconic moment in Malaysian history - Tunku Abdul Rahman proclaiming Malaya independence from British rule on 31st August, 1957 at the Merdeka Stadium, Kuala Lumpur...
Well... i received this via email.
It is difficult to verify wether it was indeed Tunku Abdul Rahman's great grand daughter who wrote this.. anyway to me, this writing is good for unity in a multi racial country like Malaysia.
For those who do not have any idea who Tunku Abdul Rahman is, well Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al Haj was the first Prime Minister of Malaysia (at that time known as Malaya), after gaining independence from British on the 31st August 1957.
The late Tunku Abdul Rahman was also known as Bapa Kemerdekaan (the Father of Independence)...
Tunku Abdul Rahman's great grand daughter Sharyn Lisa Shufiyan, 24, Conservationist
"Both my parents are Malay. My mum's heritage includes Chinese, Thai and Arab, while my dad is Minangkabau. Due to my skin colour, I am often mistaken for a chinese.
I'm happy that I don't have the typical Malay look but I do get annoyed when people call me Ah Moi or ask me straight up "Are you Chinese or Malay"
Like, why does it matter? Before I used to answer "Malay" but now I'm trying to consciously answer Malaysian instead.
There's this incident from primary school that I remember till today. Someone told me that I will be called last during Judgement Day because I don't have a Muslim name. Of course, I was scared then but now that I'm older, I realise that a name is just a name. It doesn't define you as a good or bad person and there is definitely no such thing as a Muslim name. You can be named Rashid or ALI and still be a Christian.
I've heard of the 1Malaysia concept, but I think we don't need to be told to be united. We've come such a long way that it should already be embedded in our hearts and minds that we are united. Unfortunately, you can still see racial discrimination and polarisation. There is still this ethno-centric view that the Malays are the dominant group and their rights must be protected, and non Malays are forever the outsiders.
For the concept to succeed, I think the government should stop with the race politics. It's tiring, really. We grew up with application forms asking us to tick our race. We should stop painting a negative image of the other races, stop thinking about 'us' and 'them' and focus on 'we', 'our' and 'Malaysians' .
No one should be made uncomfortable in their own home. A dear Chinese friend of mine said to me once, "I don't feel patriotic because I am not made to feel like Malaysia is my home, and I don't feel an affinity to China because I have never lived there.
I know some baby Nyonya friends who can trace their lineage back hundreds of years. I'm a fourth generation Malaysian. If I am Bumiputra, why can't they be, too? Clearly I have issues with the term.
I think the main reason why we still can't achieve total unity is because of this 'Malay rights' concept. I'd rather 'Malay rights' be replaced by human rights. So unless we get rid of this Bumiputra status, or reform our views and policies on rights, we will never achieve unity.
For my merdeka wish, I'd like for Malaysians to have more voice, to be respected and heard. I wish that the government would uphold the true essence of parliamentary democracy. I wish for the people to no longer fear and discriminate against each other, to see that we are one and the same.
I wish that Malaysia would truly live up to the tourism spin of Malaysia truly Asia . Malaysians to lead - whatever their ethnic background. Only ONE NATIONALITY -MALAYSIAN. No Malays, No Chinese, No Indians - ONLY MALAYSIANS.
Maybe the male teacher is obsessed with Pamela Anderson?????
This also proves that men will go at length and will try everything to mate with his favourite mating partner!!!!!
The Star newspaper reported that a temporary teacher with a secondary school in Seremban, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia was almost fooled into having sex with her colleague after he pretended to be an undercover special health officer researching “diseases affecting female teachers.”
The teacher - known only as Hani, 24, said the teacher had told her that his research comprised three phases, the first of which would require her to answer questions on the size of her breasts and waist.
She would then be required to get intimate with the teacher in the second phase and finally, have sex with him under the third phase, which was also a “weight test”.
Hani alleged that she had signed an agreement as well as a confidentiality form to participate in the study after the teacher approached her in March.
The “study” then moved onto the next phase, in which Hani said she was told to go to an empty classroom.
“In the classroom, he hugged me from behind before performing other sexual acts on me,” she said, adding that she pushed the man away after suspecting something was amiss.
“The next phase was even worse when he asked me to have sex with him,” she said, claiming that during this time, the teacher was stark naked and getting ready to film the sex romp.
“Frightened, I then fled from the classroom,” said Hani.
Since that day, Hani alleged the teacher has been harrassing her through phone messages, asking her for money as “penalty” for not completing the study and claiming that she could be “sued” by the Education Ministry.
The man even claimed that the Public Services Department could take action against her and her other family members serving in the Government.
“I lodged a police report on Aug 18 after I could no longer take his harassment. I have also filed a complaint with both the Health and Education Ministries and the department,” said Hani.
She said she also believed that the teacher had “conned” other victims in the school but that they were reluctant to come forward.
The teacher was subsequently remanded for seven days before being released and is said to be still teaching in the same school.
State education director Datuk Abdullah Muhamad confirmed the case was still under investigation and the matter would be brought up to the ministry.
Jempol Chief Police Officer Supt Mohd Sabri Muhamad@Awang also confirmed the incident.
Well men will go at length to mate with his favourite mating partner!!!!
News of a a dead Mermaid, found off the beach in Pulau Balambangan or Balambangan island in Kudat, Sabah, Malaysia, recently, was a hot topic among Malaysians..
To verify the claim, the police sent a team to investigate including a forensic team..
And one of the newspaper - The Star reported that it was indeed a hoax..
But if it was a hoax, who did it?? and for what purpose?? What happened to the culprits?? Have they been arrested??
As far as i know, the closest things a mermaid came ashore in Sabah was during the filming of Duyung (Mermaid) starring Maya Karin and Saiful Apek among others in Pulau Sipadan, Sipadan island in Semporna!!!!!!
The Mermaid footage :
The news report by the Star :
‘Dead mermaid’ tale
KOTA KINABALU: A “dead mermaid” has reportedly been found on the beach of an island off Sabah’s northern Kudat district, causing a lot of excitement in the state.
A clip has also surfaced on YouTube of the “mermaid” lying dead on the shores of the island.
The clip has been on YouTube under the heading “Dead Mermaid in Kudat” since Oct 3, but tales of the mysterious find had begun much earlier.
Police, have, however brushed off any talk of a dead mermaid.
“It is a hoax, someone is playing the fool,” said Kudat police chief Deputy Supt Dawi Ossen yesterday.
He said they too had got wind of such talk spreading around Kudat town earlier this week, and had checked with the villagers of Pulau Balambangan where the “mermaid” was found.
“There was no such thing; neither had any body been washed ashore,” he said, explaining that the video clip did not show the island’s surroundings as claimed.
DSP Dawi added that a resort operator there had told police nothing unusual had been found on the island in recent weeks.
“I hope people don’t get taken in by the video clip, it is totally baseless. Most likely, it’s someone playing a trick,” he added.
Initially when the rumours spread, police assumed that a human body had been found on the island.
They were prompted to check the rumours because of concern that people might not have reported finding a dead person.
At the 1960 United Nations General Assembly or UNGA, historical and legendary figures were all present in New York... and it was at the height of the Cold War!!!
Just name them - President Soekarno of Indonesia, Fidel Castro of Cuba, a young King Hussein of Jordan and of course Nikita Khruschev aka The Crusher of the Soviet Union.
During the assembly, Khruschev shocked everybody at the UNGA when he banged the table repeatedly with his fists (Iron Fists!!!!!)
At that moment, British Prime Minister, Harold Macmillan was delivering his speech.
That was recorded as one of the top 10 moments in the history of the United Nations General Assembly!!!
Maybe Mr Khruschev was offended by Macmillan remarks or maybe it was the effect of Vodka!!!!!
Sebentar tadi, kita semua menyaksikan ucapan penggulungan penuh semangat oleh Presiden UMNO ke 7, Dato Seri Mohd Najib Tun Abdul Razak di perhimpunan Agung UMNO ke 60 di Pusat Dagangan Dunia Putra.
Najib berkata semboyan sudah dibunyikan, ayuh semua ahli dan pemimpin UMNO turun ke padang, tidak kira di desa mahupun kota, perkasakan dan perkuatkan parti keramat ini!!!
Beliau juga berkata pindaan perlembagaan UMNO bagi menghapuskan sistem Kuota adalah sesuatu yang radikal.... dan ini bermakna Presiden UMNO sendiri sudah kehilangan perisai untuk jawatan itu...
Namun Najib dengan bijaksana sekali berkata perisai beliau kini adalah ahli ahli UMNO sendiri.
Kini, pemilihan jawatan tertinggi UMNO samada di peringkat Majlis Tertinggi, Naib Presiden, Timbalan Presiden dan Presiden, bakal ditentukan oleh 146,000 ahli di peringkat cawangan dan tidak lagi oleh 2,500 perwakilan di perhimpunan agung UMNO.
Bagi Najib, ini adalah satu sejarah dan perubahan terbesar yang pernah dialami UMNO selaku parti tulang belakang Barisan Nasional dan parti pemerintah di Malaysia.
Beliau mengakhiri ucapannya dengan melaungkan "Hidup UMNO" sebanyak 3 kali...
Najib turut melahirkan penghargaan kepada bekas Presiden UMNO, Pak Lah yang turut hadir dan duduk bersama sama perwakilan yang lain selaku Ketua Bahagian Kepala Batas.
Hidup Najib, Hidup UMNO... Hidup Demokrasi... Hidup 1 Malaysia, Hidup segala bangsa di Malaysia, Hidup semua penduduk Malaysia tidak kira di Perlis, Sabah, Pensiangan, Sungai Petani, Kuala Krai, Kinabatangan, Bagan Pinang, Sirusa, Port Dickson atau Sarikei...!!!!!
The above image and visual was recorded over Moscow sky recently - it is like UFO - Perhaps the X-Files team of Agent Scully and Agent Mulder can investigate??
Could it be an Alien spaceship disguising as Halo??
The image below is the Halo phenomenon recorded over the sky of Putatan, Sabah, Malaysia in 2007.
The bizzare aspect of it was - the Halo phenomenon was seen in the Malaysian sky at the very same day when Malaysia's first austronaut - Dr Sheikh Mudzafar Shukor blasted into space via the Russian Soyuz TMA spacecraft....!!!
Could the Halo phenomenons bring Good Luck to the place where it occured??
Lelaki dicipta secara semulajadinya untuk suka kepada wanita. Atas sebab itulah institusi perkahwinan yang normal adalah lelaki mengahwini wanita. Bukannya lelaki berkahwin dengan lelaki atau wanita berkahwin dengan wanita.
Tidak dinafikan, seks adalah aspek penting dalam kehidupan rumah tangga. Seorang lelaki yang normal pasti tertarik secara seksual kepada wanita. Itu normal. Namun, jika lelaki itu tertarik secara seksual kepada lelaki lain, maknanya lelaki itu tidak normal.
Dalam konteks ini, nafsu seks lelaki yang berlebihan dan tidak dikawal, pasti mengundang insiden yang tidak diingini.
Cuba baca artikel berita harian online hari ini. Ia mengisahkan seorang kontraktor berusia 53 tahun di Gemas, Negeri Sembilan, yang mempunyai 3 isteri tetapi 3 isterinya itu masih tidak mencukupi untuk memuaskan hawa nafsu serakahnya yang buas.
Sebaliknya lelaki itu menjadikan adik iparnya yang baru berusia 13 tahun sebagai hamba seks sejak 3 tahun lalu.
Setiap kali melakukan perbuatan itu, lelaki terbabit akan menghadiahkan barangan berjenama serta wang kepada adik iparnya, bagi mengabui tindakan tidak beretika dan bermoral itu.
Sepandai pandai menutup mulut tempayan, akhirnya bau nangka pasti dapat dihidu.
Nah, perbuatan lelaki itu akhirnya berjaya dihidu oleh kakaknya pada hari raya kedua lalu, setelah mangsa didesak membuat pengakuan ekoran syak wasangka adiknya itu iaitu si mangsa memiliki telefon bimbit berjenama mahal sedangkan dia masih bersekolah.
Menurut polis, lelaki itu kini menghilangkan diri sebaik menyedari perbuatannya itu dikesan.
Berita penuh adalah seperti di bawah : Lelaki tiga isteri jadikan ipar hamba seks, diburu.
GEMAS: Polis memburu seorang kontraktor yang mempunyai tiga isteri kerana dipercayai menjadikan adik iparnya berusia 13 tahun sebagai hamba seks sejak tiga tahun lalu.
Lelaki berusia 53 tahun itu didakwa menawarkan pelbagai hadiah termasuk barangan berjenama dan wang bagi memujuk mangsa mengadakan hubungan seks setiap kali adik isteri ketiganya itu datang ke rumahnya pada cuti persekolahan.
Bagaimanapun, perbuatan lelaki itu akhirnya terbongkar apabila mangsa membuat pengakuan selepas didesak seorang lagi kakaknya sebelum membuat laporan di Balai Polis Gemas di sini pada hari raya kedua, Isnin lalu. Ketua Polis Daerah Tampin, Superintendan Zull Aznam Haron, ketika dihubungi mengesahkan menerima laporan mangsa, tetapi enggan mengulas kerana siasatan masih dijalankan.
Difahamkan, pelajar tingkatan satu sebuah sekolah menengah di Jempol itu kali pertama dirogol abang iparnya pada Jun 2006 ketika mangsa berusia 10 tahun dan perbuatan itu tidak disedari isteri ketiga lelaki berkenaan yang berusia lingkungan 20-an.
Mangsa dikatakan diberi pelbagai hadiah, termasuk barangan berjenama dan wang bagi merahsiakan perbuatan itu.
British girl missing in Portugal since May 3rd, 2007. Madeleine McCann A combination of two pictures released by Madeleine McCann's family. One shows Madeleine at the age of 3 (L), and an 'age progression' image of what she would look like at the age of 9. Madeleine McCann disappeared on May 3, 2007, just days before her fourth birthday, from the family's holiday apartment at the Portuguese resort of Praia da Luz. Her parents were dining with friends at a nearby restaurant when she went missing. If you have any information on Madeleine's whereabouts, please contact the Operation Grange team at 0207 321 9251 or More info about Madeleine can be found at:
Help 12 year old NEOWELL VANN HOUTTON, Thalassemia patient from Sabah, East Malaysia
URGENT APPEAL FOR DONATION OF rare blood type O Positive R1R1 JKA , call the mother, Selly Onong, 0107826955
Missing Child in Malaysia / Kanak2 hilang
Satishkumar Tamilvanan, 5 years old is missing in the district of Jalan Permatang Pauh, Seberang Jaya, Penang at 2.00 p.m. on the 8th of August 2012. He was last seen in green shorts,a yellow T-shirt with a Spiderman motif and clad in shoes and socks. If you have seen this child anywhere, please contact the Action Room, Police HQ,Seberang Perai Tengah at 04-538 2222 or INSP Mohamad Ehsan Bin Abu Bakar at 012-2494002.
Sharlinie Mohd Nahar, 5 tahun, hilang sejak 9 januari 2008 di Taman Medan, Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia. Jika ada maklumat, hubungi polis. Sharlinie Mohd Nahar, 5, missing since 9th january 2008 inTaman Medan, Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia, if you find her, contact the nearest police station.
Missing Child/Kanak kanak Hilang di Malaysia
Lee Xin Ru, was 2 years old when she went missing. on 21st September 2010 in Raub, Pahang, Malaysia. Kanak Kanak ini Lee Xin Ru, berusia 2 tahun ketika hilang pada 21 September 2010 di Raub, Pahang, Jika ada maklumat, hubungi balai Polis terdekat.
Bagan should lead the global way
Twenty-nine years ago, in September 1995, the voters of Bagan saved the DAP
and democracy in Malaysia after the DAP suffered its worst electoral defeat
in ...
The King, his family and U
*Or … “Who needs to be a crony when you can be a Royal Crony Pt 2”*
Damansara, 6/12: Ten years ago, this blog published the article *Who needs
to be a cron...
Our May Love Letter for You
To Our Edamame Wooi, 30 May 2021 | I’m up at 5:47AM waiting for “breakfast”
to be heated up. Hunger pangs since 11PM and up since 1:11AM thinking I
could s...
Cakap serupa bikin?
Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Mohd Yassin is at a crossroad to put money
where his mouth is, in the perspective of integrity and proper governance.
The ...
City Guide: Things to Do and avoid in Lhasa, Tibet
Why visit Lhasa? Lhasa ལྷ་ས་, literally the “Place of the Gods,” is the
capital of the Tibet Autonomous Region, is located in the southeast of
Tibet, and...
Oasis - Definitely Maybe (1994)
25th anniversary of the release of a classic rock album: 29th August 1994:
their debut studio album: was an immediate commercial and critical success
in th...
Penerima Anugerah Bintang daripada TYT Sabah 2018.
KOTA KINABALU: Setiausaha Kerajaan Negeri, Datuk Seri Panglima Hashim
Paijan mendahului senarai 75 penerima darjah kebesaran, bintang serta
pingat sempe...
Listen To This: Eyes On You!
This is so cool!! And unexpected! NVDES start their song May and June off
as a French-inspired indie pop song and finish it off by giving us lounge
and lei...
Dr. Mahathir dan kebodohan media umno
Mengapa serangan media umno terhadap Tun Dr. Mahathir ibarat menikam umno
sendiri? Dengarkan rumusan oleh Bekas Pengarah Pusat Kajian Demokrasi dan
Kedah tak terpulun JDT - takda idea
Jika kita tengok dari publisiti yang besar menjelang Piala Akhir Malaysia
minggu lepas, perlawanan akhir antara Kedah dan JDT sepatutnya memang
hebat. Du...
As Salam. Ramai yang bertanya sama ada saya masih menulis di blog atau
sebaliknya. Saya memberitahu mereka bahawa tumpuan kini adalah kepada tiga
cabang m...
11 Years
Dear Papa, 11 years have passed since you left us. Even after 11 years,
everybody still talks about you like you are still around. Every now and
then, I st...
Catatan Di Belakang Tirai Besi
Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera, 1. Ketika anda membaca catatan ini
saya mungkin sudah ke penjara kerana saya jadualkan tulisan ini diterbitkan
MH370: Krisis komunikasi seperti isu kangkung
Pada pandangan saya kelemahan Kerajaan di dalam menangani krisis #MH370
berkisar kepada kegagalan komunikasi. Implikasinya menunjukkan seolah wakil
Badan P...
The Year That Was
Dear everyone,
I know, I know, I've been very bad. Haven't posted anything since August.
But life has been ridiculously busy with so many different projec...
“We stand together as sky falls”
Skyfall – the latest 007 Bond – is quite a philosophical movie that focuses
on the theme of ‘death’. Time has come that even Bond ponders if his work,
On The Beat: A journo’s jottings
In the face of brickbats from politicians and pundits, through holidays and
hectic days, a newspaperman wrote his piece every week for 14 years,
staying s...
The Millionaire Amah
If you were an amah or domestic help who has won a lottery worth millions
of $, would you stay on in your job? Most people, if not all, would not.
But not...