I came across this map at http://www.scotese.com/future2.htm
It is supposed to be planet Earth, 250 million years from now..
According to the website, the next Pangea, "Pangea Ultima" will form as a result of the subduction of the ocean floor of the North and South Atlantic beneath eastern North America and South America. This supercontinent will have a small ocean basin trapped at its center.
I don't really know wether this is true or not....
But the truth is we are all already dead by then....
Hmmmm i wonder who is the President of the USA, 250 million years from now... what kind of music they listened... will the olympic games still being organized???? How far is the evolution of technology in that era? how do people make love? Are there still social establishments like Pubs, Karaokes and Night Clubs?
Will human beings live in Mars???
What type of computers, telephones, cars, weapons, buildings, houses, offices and clothes in that year????????
Only God knows....
We'll have the technology to space travel by then.
Combined into 1 continent again? Im not sure but it was one big continent millions of years back.
very interesting - i've wondered about this for some time in the past. Taking your finding a bit further, I found that there are other possibilities being explored: Amasia and Novopangaea.
Vestige, space travel - i m sure there will be...
Mr Guntar, the big question is, how many earths then????????? And i bet the US President, 250 years from now is a Malaysian, a Kadazan Dusun to be exact...
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