“Jangan Normalisasikan!” – Ramai ‘Influencer’ Lelaki Pakai Ala-Ala Busana
Wanita Di AJL, Netizen Minta JAKIM Ambil Tindakan
Sedia maklum, semalam, anugerah berprestij iaitu Anugerah Juara Lagu ke-39
(AJL39) telah pun berlangsung dan penyanyi, Marsha Milan berjaya memenangi
38 minutes ago
another cut & paste from toto ..
that is one strategy to be resourcefulness.... one of them is blog entry based on actual newspaper reports
mr anonymous, there are certain people in this world that i would like to strap onto a Tomahawk missile and then fired straight into hell... and one of them is you..!!! do not mess with me, i am a blood sucker... i will drink everyu drop of blood inside you and eat your flesh!!!! (hahahaha... just kidding... i scared you haa?? hahaha)
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