This is a real life story.
A female sailor was probably eaten by a giant mysterious underwater creature off the Bay of California in 2007.
Her body was never found but rescuers found her video cameras, set up at various angles on her boat, containing chilling footage of the final moments in her life.

This is the real life story of Sharon Novak, a professional sailor and magazine writer.
Sharon Novak was broadcasting her solo sailing trip around the world over the net, while chatting with her boyfriend and co-writer, Charles, back home.
As Sharon began her final approach home to Monterey Bay, she found her boat struck several times, but, though shaken, she thought little of it. Although her boyfriend suggested that she not go into the water, she dived to inspect her backup motor engine, finding it clogged with a chunk of what she assumed was whale flesh.
She then followed a mysterious distress call to an abandoned boat, with what appearead to be blood all over one side. Panicked now, she decided that she definitely should not go into the water.
One of her cameras was destroyed and she tried to investigate, but she was struck thrice more and fell overboard.
She was last seen struggling to get back in her boat as it drifted off and was never seen again.
The vague silhouette of an underwater plesiosaur-like creature can be seen twice on the top of the screen from the camera views. In the first glimpse, the creature was passing by the boat while the woman was on board.
In the next, it was heading for her after she fell overboard.
Sharon failed to make it back to the boat and either drowned or devoured by the creature. An unnamed, previous victim's blood was seen on an empty boat, indicating that the creature came and killed him.!!!
How scary.
erm......i think it was not a real event. i read from wiki, the whole series "lost tapes" is by animal planet, documentarying on mystic creatures.
yes... but i enjoyed watching lost tapes.... i like paranormal things especially unexplained creatures who might still be roaming out there!!!!!!!!!
hey I know parts of these videos are edited or reinacted, but are they really based on true stories? I think that's what leads people to believe they are fake because parts are edited so that people get the 'jist' of the story and understand better.... But for sharon novak there is absolutely nothing documented about her.. (what magazine did she write for? Biography? Anything?) i'd really like to know more... It wasn't even ever in any type of news or paper.. Wouldn't that event be pretty big?
also, did you know anyone can edit wikipedia? I have friend who like to change answers and responses because they think it's funny... Not really a trustful sight on some things. Just to let you know :)
I live in the Monterey bay area and there was no news at all about this so called attack.
Anonymous : Thanks for visiting this blog and the comments. Actually i saw this story on our local TV in Malaysia. It was shown on Discovery Chanell - a prestigious and highly trusted international TV Chanell. So, that is why i blog about it.. Thanks
FAKE, look up: Lauren Olipra (google it)
The actress in this show.
Enough Said!
Traffic Advisor - thanks for dropping by... appreciate it...
I happen to know the owner of that fishing boat - and the news only reported that he "disapeared" or "fell overboard". There was never any mention of blood. And the man was a seasoned fisherman. Not one who would fall over and disapear.
PS - I just viewed Lauren Olipra and she is actually the person who "drowned" in that fake video. That is a crule vicious film to make when it is based on an actual happening and death.
This story may be true but the footage shown on lost tapes is not, it is reenacted, they are not actual tapes and the monster in the ocean is not real. I have done extensive research including a trip to Monterey, CA and I have never found actual death records or anything that would prove this story took place though there were about 3 deaths that year at sea involving women. Lost tapes is not real but may be based on eyewitness accounts and other footage provided by these witnesses.
jpena.. thank you for the very informative comments... cheers
Hey guys the show "lost tapes" are only stories of scenarios about crytic creatures being out there...they are not actual true stories..just a show that entertain us...however i thought it was true in the begining, when i really look..it even says at the end of the show that they are stories that base make us wonder if they are actually out there.
thanks for the comment Anonymous.... i bet there are strange creatures out there..... UFOs maybe??
no..problem..yea cryptics are interesting..however the story of monster of monterey on lost tapes about sharon novak may not be a true stories..story of plesiosaur in monterey is heard of...if that is crazy check out..i hear there's sea serpent in San Francisco bay..i live in the bay area and i just thought that was out this world...go cryptics!
Go cryptics?? ok will do that Anonymous..
this is my first visits on your site ! and thank's for youre information !
Ace Maxs.. thanks for dropping by.. cheers
@Traffic Advisor I looked up Lauren Olipra, and that's not Sharon Novak they are two diffrent people. Trust, and Believe. I love watching "Lost Tapes", and Sharon Novak seems to have been a very sweet, and caring person.
Hi there Anonymous..thanks for dropping by my humble blog...yes i bet you know sharon novak better...well i hope she is fine...thanks and cheers
It was fake 65 mill years ago Plesiosaur
This episode of Lost Tapes showing a Plesiosaur like creature attacking a woman might be a fake, but aquatic monsters exist in oceans, lakes, rivers, and seas all over the world. Cryptids such as the Lukwata, Ogopogo, Nessie, the Lake Tanganyika monster, Nessie, Morag, Champ, etc are all real animals. Sharks, crocodiles, squid, octopus, eels, barracudas, stonefish, stingrays, catfish, and other horrors are a constant danger. The water is very scary and dangerous. It's wise to stay out of the water.
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