The incident was caught on camera. 17 people were injured after a wayward drag race car, crashed onto a pile of spectators.
Saturday, 26th May 2012 is supposed to be fun day for Malaysians in Putrajaya, but for some, it was nightmare.
17 spectators at a drag race held in conjunction with the Million Youths Rally in Putrajaya, Malaysia, were injured on midnight Saturday, 26th May 2012 when one of the competing cars skidded during a trial run.
In the incident at the Wadi Ehsan Highway at Precinct 19 here, the car struck the victims who were watching from outside the permitted perimeters.
Youth and Sports Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Shabery Cheek said four of the victims, who sustained serious injuries, were warded at Putrajaya Hospital, while the driver of the car escaped unhurt.

Ahmad Shabery visits one of the victims Muhammad Iskandar Rasiq Shaari at the Putrajaya Hospital on Sunday. With him is the victim's father Shaari Bujang / The Star pix
He said the race was discontinued and that he would request the organisers to conduct an investigation including lodging a police report.
"I don't want a repeat of the tragedy. We regret what happened. We will see what assistance we can provide to the victims and their families," he told reporters after visiting the scene of the incident.
Ahmad Shabery said the race was arranged by experienced organisers but he had been made to understand that there was no sanctioning body to monitor and supervise competitions of such nature.
He added that he would ask the Cabinet to expedite approval for the building of a "drag" race circuit to avoid any untoward incidents on normal roads.
He said the allocation for the proposed circuit included the construction of a straight race track, measuring at least 800m in length, with special seats for spectators.
Drag racing is a competition in which specially prepared automobiles or motorcycles compete, usually two at a time, to be the first to cross a set finish line.
When asked to comment on claims that the organisers had been negligent about safety, he said it was premature to say this and that he was awaiting a full report on the case.
He said he had also been informed by the organisers that they had cautioned spectators not to go beyond the permitted area, but when the session started, the warning went unheeded as the arena became crowded with about 10,000 spectators.
Meanwhile, Putrajaya police chief ACP Abdul Razak Abdul Majid when contacted, confirmed the incident and said an investigation was ongoing
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