(Sumber berita : The Star online dan NST online)
Bagaimanapun majlis itu diboikot Adun dari Pakatan Rakyat meskipun dijemput.
Dan Mohammad Nizar Jamaludin dalam satu sidang media singkat di pejabatnya kira kira 10 pagi tadi dilaporkan bertegas beliau akan terus menjalankan tugas seperti biasa.
Majlis angkat sumpah Menteri Besar petang tadi menyaksikan jalan masuk dan kawasan sekitar Istana Iskandariah dikawal ketat Polis termasuk Unit Simpanan Persekutuan, FRU.
Majlis angkat sumpah jawatan bagi Ahli Majlis Mesyuarat Kerajaan Negeri atau Exco pula dijadual dilangsungkan di Istana Iskandariah, Selasa 10 Februari depan.
Majlis angkat sumpah kerajaan negeri yang baru di bawah BN menggantikan kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat itu ekoran tindakan keluar parti 3 ADUN Pakatan Rakyat – Adun Behrang Jamaludin Mohd Radzi, Adun Changkat Jering Kapt (B) Osman Jailu dan ADUN Jelapang – Hee Yit Fong.
Tindakan mereka yang menyatakan sokongan kepada BN memberikan kelebihan kerusi di DUN Perak kepada BN dengan kedudukan sekarang BN – 31 kerusi dan Pakatan Rakyat 28 kerusi.
Pada masa sama, Sultan Perak tidak bersetuju dengan pembubaran DUN Perak dan menasihatkan Mohammad Nizar meletakkan jawatan sebagai MB Perak.
Namun 3 jam sebelum majlis angkat sumpah Menteri Besar Perak yang baru itu, peguam Karpal Singh yang mewakili bekas MB Perak, Mohammad Nizar berkata satu saman akan difailkan ke atas Sultan Perak dan kerajaan negeri yang baru di Mahkamah Tinggi Ipoh pada Selasa 10 Februari ini.
Sebelum itu jam 9.50 minit pagi tadi, Mohammad Nizar dilihat tiba dengan kereta rasmi MB Perak - Toyota Camry dan memasuki bangunan secretariat Perak yang menempatkan pejabatnya yang turut dikawal ketat Polis.
Beliau disertai barisan Exconya.

Mohammad Nizar dilihat keluar dari pejabatnya jam 10.40 minit pagi.
Sebelum keluar dari pejabatnya, Mohammad Nizar sempat memberikan sidang media.

Antara lain dia berkata barang barang termasuk gambar di dalam pejabatnya telah dialihkan atas arahan Setiausaha Kerajaan Negeri Datuk Abdul Rahman Hashim.
Namun Mohammad Nizar dilaporkan berkata dia akan menjalankan tugas seperti biasa.
Dia hanya akan meletakkan jawatan menerusi proses undi tidak percaya di DUN Perak.
Apapun, sidang medianya terpaksa dihentikan jam 10.10 minit pagi atas arahan Setiausaha Kerajaan Negeri Perak dan Polis.
Of all the comments on this matter, this one explains succintly:
- why there might still be hope for MB Nizar to stay on as MB
- why Sultan Azlan Shah might have done the wrong thing
- why there are grounds for MB Zambry's appointment to be declared null and void
- why there are currently TWO Menteris Besar in Perak!
It was written by a Kim Quek at the DYMM Sultan Azlan Syah’s guest book:-
“Kim Quek
E-mail address: kimquek@hotmail.com
Urgent appeal to the Sultan to re-look the constitution.
06.02.2009, 1020 hrs.
Is it possible that a slight difference in wording between the state constitution of Perak and the federal constitution pertaining to the loss of confidence of Mentri Besar/prime minister has misled the Sultan of Perak into thinking that the constitutional requirement necessitating the Mentri Besar to resign has been fulfilled?
Judging from the Sultan’s statement explaining his decision to appoint a new mentri besar that seems to be the case. Let me quote the relevant paragraph of the Sultan’s statement explaining why Mentri Besar Nizar Jamaluddin must step down:
After meeting all the 31 assemblymen, DYMM Paduka Seri Sultan of Perak was convinced that YAB Datuk Seri Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin had ceased to command the confidence of the majority of the State Assembly members.
This statement would have been a correct interpretation of the constitution if applied to the Prime Minister, but an incorrect interpretation, if applied to the Mentri Besar. This is because the loss of confidence of the majority is prescribed differently in the two constitutions (relevant parts of the constitutions are shown at the end of this article). Under the federal constitution, the loss of confidence refers to members of the House of Representatives whereas under the state constitution, it refers to the Legislative Assembly. This means that while the ascertainment of loss confidence can conducted outside Parliament (such as collective appearance before the Agung) in the federal case, it cannot be repeated in state case. In the state case, the loss of confidence must be ascertained within the state assembly, meaning through a vote of no confidence in the state assembly.
The reason why I said the Sultan could have been misled is that in his statement extracted above, he mentioned the confidence of the majority of the State Assembly members. Notice the statement refers to State Assembly members, and not to State Assembly.
Under the circumstances, the Mentri Besar was right when he said that he was legally obliged to step down only when a motion of no confidence on him has been passed in the state assembly, but not otherwise.
And since the Mentri Besar has not resigned, any appointment of another Mentri Besar will be ultra vires the state constitution.
The swearing-in of another Mentri Besar is only few hours away from now (at 1530 hrs). Perhaps His Royal Highness can spare a few minutes to take another look at the two constitutions, so as to avert a major constitutional crisis?
The relevant extracts from the two constitutions are as follows:
Federal constitution: Article 43 (4): If the Prime Minister ceases to command the confidence of the majority of the members of the House of Representatives, then, unless at his request the Yang di-Pertuan Agong dissolves Parliament, the Prime Minister shall tender the resignation of the Cabinet.
Perak state constitution: Artikel XVI(6): If the Mentri Besar ceases to command the confidence of the majority of the Legislative Assembly, then unless at his request His Royal Highness dissolves the Legislative Assembly, he shall tender the resignation of the Executive Council.
Kim Quek”
What do you think boss???????
aiyaaaaaaaa... no commenttttttt bahayaaa bossss....
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