Poor Lady Gaga, she falls on stage for how many times already???
Why she slips so often on stage? Was the stage slippery? Was her high heels shoes troubling her? Was she "Born this Way"??
First she falls off a piano in this concert. Fortunately her head misses the piano bars by inches or milimiters, if not she will be injured. But professionaly, she continues singing!!!
In this video, she falls on stage while singing Poker Face. But she continues singing as if nothing happened!!
Yet in the video above she slips again at a concert in Montreal, Canada. Why she slips so often on stage? Was the stage slippery? Was her high heels shoes troubling her? Was she "Born this Way"??
These are only 4 videos of Lady Gaga tumbling, slipping and tripping on stage. Is there any more??
However Lady Gaga is not the only international megastar to have suffered the same fate.
Many more slipped and tripped while performing live on stage, including Shakira, Beyonce, Rihanna, Justin Bieber and Destiny Child to name a few.
Shakira takes a tumble
Rihanna takes a dip
This is painful, Beyonce falls head first on stage
Destinty Child slips
Justin Bieber's Kung Fu gimmick goes awefully wrong
Hope you are all Okay Dudes... Thanks for reading
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