The 2 faces of Evil, Tatsuya Ichihashi's original evil face (left) and his altered looks after plastic surgeries (but he still looks like Evil)
Ichihasi lured a young 22 year old British teacher, Lindsay Ann Hawker to his apartment in Ichikawa, a suburban town east of Tokyo, on March 24th, 2007.
Ichihashi, now 32, had admitted raping and killing Hawker and stuffing her naked body inside a sand-filled bathtub on the balcony of his flat.
Despite a reward of 10 million Yen (£78,000) for information leading to his arrest and 8,000 reported sightings, Ichihashi evaded capture for two years and eight months.
The case attracted widespread media attention in Japan and Britain.
On Thursday, 21st July 2011, about 950 people lined up for 60 seats in Chiba district court's public gallery and witnessed the presiding judge, Masaya Hotta, sentencing Ichihashi to life in prison.

Let this be a lesson to all Ladies out there. Do not trust anybody!!!
Lindsay Ann Hawker, 22, travelled to Japan in October 2006 to teach English after graduating from Leeds University.
Miss Hawker lived with a British flatmate in Tokyo (some said she lived with 2 other female teachers from Australia and Canada) and her employers said she took her job "very seriously" and "put every effort" into her new role.
Four days before the killing happened, Miss Hawker was approached by a 28 year old Japanese man known as Tatsuya Ichihashi, on her train journey home from work.
This evil man, Ichihashi is the son of a professional parent, his father a medical doctor while his mother a nurse.
It was reported that Ichihashi ran after her as she cycled home and asked for a glass of water when she arrived home.
Hawker had felt sorry for him and decided, as a precaution, to let him in to show him her two flatmates.

Once inside, Ichihashi took out a pen and paper and drew a picture of her, signing it with his name, telephone number, and e-mail address.
At some point, the pair agreed to meet for an English lesson four days later, on March 24th, 2007 at a cafe, which was something the Nova school allowed.
Miss Hawker had agreed to give Ichihashi a private English lesson in a cafe near her home on that fateful day.
What the poor girl didn't know was that Ichihashi had already hatched an evil plan to rape and kill her and was not interested at all for an English lesson.
The purpoted English lesson was just a decoy.
The court heard how he had persuaded her to follow him to his apartment by taxi after the lesson, claiming he had forgotten his wallet.
Why did Miss Hawker followed this evil man to his apartment?? If that evil man lost his wallet or forgotten his wallet, then it is his business to retrieve his damn wallet without asking others to follow him home.
Don't follow him. This tactics of pretending have long been used by hardcore criminals around the world.
Some rapists and murderers are known to pretend that they lost directions and 1,001 other reasons and needs your help and the rest is history. You are harrowingly dead or raped as soon as you follow him/them.

On March 24th, 2007, Miss Hawker was spotted on CCTV in the cafe where she gave an English lesson to Tatsuya Ichihashi.
She died soon after entering his apartment, the court ruling said on 21st July 2011, adding that there was no evidence for Ichihashi's claims that he had attempted to resuscitate her and called an ambulance.
"Shortly after he entered his apartment, the defendant administered strong blows to the victim, especially around her right eye," the ruling said. "He also assaulted other parts of her body and used tape to bind her to stop her resisting when he raped her."

The Apartment in Ichikawa where the evil man, Ichihashi stayed.
Before entering Ichihashi's apartment in Ichikawa, Miss Hawker told a taxi driver to wait for her while she went into his flat.
The stupid taxi driver waited for seven minutes and then left after she failed to show up - a blatant disregard of human lives (it seems Tokyo taxi drivers only want money and they don't care if their customer(s) do not show up even after being told to wait!!! Tokyo Taxi Drivers don't care wether their customers are raped and murdered, all they want is money, money and money - Screw the insane and no-education Japanese taxi drivers).
If that stupid Tokyo taxi driver made an effort to check on Miss Hawker, she might still be alive today for she was screaming for help when attacked by the devil guy Ichihashi.
2 days passed and Miss Hawker's language school called her father to say she had missed two days of school that was supposed to be on 25th and 26th March 2007.
Her dead body was found naked in a sand-filled bathtub on the balcony of Ichihashu's flat, 2 days later by Tokyo Police.
How did the police eventualy came to Ichihashi flat??
Because Nova school reported Hawker missing at 2.30 pm on the 26th March 2007 to the Tokyo Police.
Media reported that two officers were dispatched, and reached Ichihashi's apartment, located on the 4th floor, at 5.40 pm. Sensing something suspicious, the 2 police officers called for back-up at 7.00 pm and within the next hour, seven more officers arrived.
Two hours after the nine officers had assembled outside, Ichihashi walked out of his front door, with a rucksack on and bare-footed.
Ichihashi then ran past the foolish and stupid 9 Tokyo police officers who not only failed to catch him but were also reportedly didn't bring any Walkie Talkie with them. (Japan is known as a wonder nation in terms of technology and yet they employ brainless and stupid police officers)!!!
Without walkie-talkies, those stupid and imbecile police officers on the fourth floor could not alert those on the ground floor.!!!
Ichihashi managed to escape by vaulting the last few feet of the stairways to the ground and later zig-zagging through the confusing Tokyo streets.
Ichihashi was only caught almost 3 years later or 2 years 8 months on 10th November 2009, in Osaka while attempting to board a ferry to Okinawa.

The 2 faces of Evil, Ichihashi's original evil face (left) and his altered looks after plastic surgeries (but he still looks like Evil)
While on the run for 2 years and 8 months, Ichihashi, now 32, lived rough, even worked as a manual construction worker in Osaka without being recognised by any stupid Japanese and even resorting to plastic surgeries to change his ugly and evil appearances.
Meanwhile Miss Hawker's naked body was found buried in a sand and soil-filled bathtub on the apartment's balcony. She had been bound and gagged with plastic ties and scarves, with one of her hands lying outside the mixture.
Post-mortem results showed she died of suffocation and suffered multiple injuries.
Prosecutors said she was strangled to death by Ichihashi after being raped.

Miss Hawker's parents Bill and Julia and sisters Lisa and Louise at her funeral on April 26, 2007.
Hundreds of mourners, including the Japanese ambassador Yoshiji Nogami, gathered to pay their last respects.

Miss Hawker's family travelled to Japan to help police track Ichihashi down. They handed out thousands of leaflets to commuters and a reward was offered for his capture.

The family returned to Tokyo on the second anniversary of her death. They launched life-size talking cut-outs of Ichihashi to raise the profile of the manhunt.

The Hawker family travelled to Chiba for the start of Ichihashi's trial and were there for the verdict.
Ichihashi was jailed for life for the rape and murder of the 22 year old.
During his trial Ichihashi testified that Miss Hawker accidentally choked to death after he gagged her to silence her screams. He claims he tried to revive her after she stopped breathing.

In sentencing the evil man on 21st July 2011, Judge Masaya Hotta said he had showed no respect for Miss Hawker's life and committed a "heinous" crime.
"The victim was raped, with her dignity violated and life taken away while going through unbearable pain. At the age of 22, her future was taken away," he said.
"He raped her to satisfy his sexual desire, then tried to cover up the rape by killing her," said Masaya Hotta, in a packed courtroom. "He then attempted to conceal the murder by abandoning her body. The crime was inexcusable and savage.
In a book published from prison titled Until I Was Arrested, Ichihashi detailed his time on the run, calling the account "a gesture of contrition for the crime I committed".
He also expressed a desire to give any royalties earned through the book to the Hawker family. They have rejected the offer.
Bill Hawker had asked the court to show "no mercy" to Ichihashi and called for the death sentence, the maximum punishment for murder under Japanese law.
Flanked by his wife, Julia, and their two daughters, Louise and Lisa, Hawker thanked his family, the British and Japanese police, and the members of the public who reported the sighting that led to Ichihashi's arrest in Osaka as he waited to board a ferry to the southern island of Okinawa.
"I would also like to thank the Japanese people," Hawker said. "We would not have got this far without everyone's help."
Clutching a photograph of his daughter, he fought back tears as he said: "Lindsay loved Japan, and you have not let her down. Thank you."
Let this be a lesson to all Ladies out there. Do not trust anybody!!!
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